
Hi, I am Casey!

Welcome to my blog. I hope your experience here is magical!

Schools Over.....Now What?

Schools Over.....Now What?

Well hello my beautiful people! How are you doing? How’s your heart? Your mind? Your six pack? Still working on it…Yeah me too. But now I will have more time because I just completed my freshman year of college! How crazy is that? A (school) year goes by so fast..when you’re having fun, learning lots, interacting with people, and finding the joy…that’s the saying right? Well, I loved my time at Boston College, for an abundance of reasons but first on that list was because of the people. Shoutout to my friends, teammates, classmates, professors, and my nutritionist who all mean the absolute world to me. I think it was one of the best years of my life and I made friendships that everyday still amaze me. My year and day to day life at BC was busy and jam packed, but it was full with exuberant amounts of joy. But the real question I have been toying with for myself is how can I find this same joy (or equally fulfilling joy) without the people, the structure, the interactions, the discoveries, and most importantly while being under such strict restrictions?

Well, the answer is vastly different for every person. But I believe the one universal aspect that is the same regardless of who you are is: if you want to find this joy I speak of, you have to be willing to look for it and open your heart enough to feel it when you find it.

I am a big believer that when one door closes another seven can open. So even though the way I visualized my 2020 summer has significantly changed, the ending or halting of what I was planning to do has in many ways given me the time and space to the things I have felt I never had the time for. Maybe the time and space I set aside for my hopeful summer romance will turn into time and space for me to fall in love with an area of study rather than a boy. Maybe the time I was planning to dedicate to working and making money will turn into time I have for working on this blog, that as of today just “pays” me in joy, and inevitably help me make this blog into something that is economically profitable in the future. Maybe the time I was going to use to stay up late, indulge in not so healthy foods, and hang around will turn into the time I use to learn how much better I feel and function with adequate sleep, how much healthier I can become with a colorful and whole food based diet and a nighttime podcast walk that helps me to think more deeply and clearly. And maybe with this new time I can achieve the intentions I have set and create new ones so that I can grow the love I feel and experience from within, find the peace I seek, master stillness in all this chaos, and understand and cultivate the creativity and childhood magic I have regrettably and unintentionally abandoned while trying to pursue the life of a busy adult with a stellar resume.

This time away from “normal life” has strengthened my appreciation and desire for certain aspects of my normal life. It has really made me miss special souls, activities like hugging and putting together outfits people will actually see, freedom and I guess trust in my own immune system. But at the same time, it has made me realize so many things that I can let go of. The activities, fears, conversations and even the clothing that for so long I tightly held onto and kept on my overly full plate that I realize after living without, I simply, don’t miss. In some ways I even feel lighter, more joyful, healthier, and happier without them. If I have learned anything during these weeks of quarantine it is that; finding and feeling joy is a choice, the RIGHT people provide joy, insight, love and depth to your life while the wrong ones provide conflict, confusion, and negative vibrations that sometimes only become apparent with time and space. And finally, that the best thing I can do during a time of such intense sickness and disease is use my time to become aware of what aspects or areas of my life are unhealthy and do everything I can to strengthen the health of my mind, body, and soul.

So school is over and now what? That is the beauty of this abundance of time. If you are like me and have lists of projects, books to read, podcasts to listen to, movies to watch, letters to write, ideas to put into action, what better time than now. And if you have not booked your life so jam packed and find yourself bored take this time to dive deep and understand what areas of your life need to be fed to have your joy grow and grow? Who do you want to be in a year? Who do you want to be inspiring? Who do you want to be close with? Start now, begin today. In a world where everyone is sitting around saying “now what?” be the person standing up saying “what else?”


I hope you will join me in finding our joys, letting go of all that does not serve us, and creating the foundation for the person we will soon become. What would you fill your life with if you understood yourself so well that you didn’t allow anything that didn’t help you evolve take up your time? I can’t wait to be together again surrounded by a degree of energy that has never been felt before because we have never had so much time to work on raising its frequency.

As always, feel free to reach out to me with any comments, questions, support, love, or for no reason at all. I love you guys dearly you provide me with so so much joy!

Love Always,


Double Chocolate Cookies Recipe

Double Chocolate Cookies Recipe

Lacking Connection? Me too.

Lacking Connection? Me too.