
Hi, I am Casey!

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Double Chocolate Cookies Recipe

Double Chocolate Cookies Recipe

Hello my loves! Hope you are doing well and eating better! Obviously right now is a crazy time with a lot of emotions. One thing that always helps me, even though it is not the best, is sugar. But if I am going to indulge I want to make sure it is well worth it! Well let me tell you. These double chocolate cookies are absolutely to die for! Maybe the best cookies I have ever made! I put them on my instagram story last week and so so many of you asked for the recipe….well here you go:


50 g unsalted butter

450 g of dark chocolate, chopped (or chips)

2 eggs

170 g of soft light brown sugar

1/4 teaspoon of vanilla extract

85 g of plain flour

1/2 teaspoon of baking powder


Two sauce pans (one for water and the second to go above of the one with water to melt the chocolate)

Electric mixer

2 baking trays lined with greaseproof paper



Preheat the oven to 325°F (170°C)

Next, put water in the base sauce and bring the water to a simmer. Then fill the smaller sauce pan with the butter and 1/2 the chopped chocolate. Make sure the top sauce pan is not touching the water and if it is take some water out. Leave this on the flame and stir chocolate and butter until smooth.

following that step, put the eggs, sugar and vanilla extract in the electric mixer and beat until well mixed. pour in the melted chocolate mixture from the stove and beat on slow until they are well combined.

Next you are going to shift the flour, salt, and baking powder into a separate bowl, then stir into the chocolate mixture in 3 additions, mixing well after each addition (scrape any unmixed ingredients from the sides with a spatula) please make sure the electric mixer is off whenever you put anything in…you don’t want one of your fingers to get pulled in!! To conclude this step you are going to stir in the other half of the chocolate (the unmelted chopped pieces) until evenly dispersed.

Then you are going to arrange 6 equal amounts of cookie dough on each prepared baking tray. Make sure that the cookies are spaced apart to allow the spreading while baking. Bake in the preheated over for 10-15 minuets, checking regularly after 10 minutes has passed. They should be ready when the tops start to crack and look glossy. Leave the cookies to cool slightly on the trays before turning out onto a wire cooling rack to cool completely.

Then before tasting, think of how grateful you are to have such delicious food and make sure to send me a picture if you make them!

Love Always,


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