
Hi, I am Casey!

Welcome to my blog. I hope your experience here is magical!

Quarantine Favorites

Quarantine Favorites

Well hello guys! How are you all doing? Honestly quarantine has been hard for me. My family is safe and healthy so I am very grateful for that. I am very much an extrovert who loves people. Don’t get me wrong I love being alone sometimes…but not as much as quarantine is forcing us to be. That being said it is such a critical time to keep in touch with your friends, family, teammates, professors, coaches, all the good eggs. Haha no easter pun intended. But these are some of the things that have been keeping me sane and fulfilled even while being socially distant from others. I hope these things bring you joy and if they do, like always, feel free to reach out!

  1. Sugar Hydrating lip balm - I have been loving this lip balm so much. I just re found it! After coming home from college I went through all my toiletries and got rid of many of the things I wasn’t using and then also started using the products I had forgotten about! Well, this is definitely one of them. Genuinely obsessed.

  2. Blogging - Obviously I have this blog and it has been a wonderful outlet for me. Many thanks to you guys for making it that way. I love that I can speak my mind and share things that aren’t always easy to and yet everytime I do I feel so much love and connection as a result. I have been planning and starting so many new pieces for you guys. Every time somebody reaches out about a post they would love me to write, I take note and I have so many new blog posts coming! Some more reflective pieces, more lifestyle pieces, a ton of college posts, maybe some fashion…ekkk! So please keep that up! You can connect with me here!

  3. Journaling - I think with the absence of face to face conversations I am turning inward and having many more soulful conversations with myself. I have had a lot to process these last couple of weeks. I have a blog post coming soon about journaling and some prompts to get you started…as suggested by a lovely gal I know.

  4. Future me - I recently received an email from my past self. We wrote these letters to our future selves last year in English from this website called future me. During a time like this when we have a bunch of extra time to sit, be still, think, reflect, and write. I think it can be a beautiful thing to write a letter to yourself. We are often in a world that is so busy. But right now it is not and to take time and curate an email to yourself articulating all the things you have learned and want to remember to do after quarantine is over could be so meaningful later. When this is all over I think we might get swept back into the normal life. Forgetting to appreciate the little things, like how valuable being with someone in person is. Take the time now to write to yourself so you can see your growth, and have a little security so you don’t lose the person you have started to become and appreciation you have started to build while being in quarantine.

  5. Country Music - if you know me at all, you probably know I am a hopeful romantic. I was going to say hopeless romantic but I am not hopeless. I really believe true love exists. I believe I deserved it, that we all deserve it. And I know that I will one day find it. During quarantine I have been holding onto the ideas of love. Looking forward to the day, once we no longer have to social distance, where I can be swept off my feet, literally. I have been thinking about the day when I will be riding shot gun with some hilarious and handsome guy and he will stop at a red light, look into my eyes, grab my hand, and kiss it. Essentially I have been surviving by thinking about the love stories that exists in the best kind of country songs. I have some real LOVEly Spotify country playlists if you too are in need of a little encouraging love. Check out Love & Boots, Deep South, and Broken Up.

  6. County Drives - If I have’t made it obvious above, I love country music. And if you have been following my blog for a while and have read my Perfect Drive post you know I love driving. I actually prefer to ride shotgun but I love just being in a car with no real destination, simply driving with someone I love, listening to the music and being present. So even though we have nowhere to really go, you can still still escape with a drive, for me it has been one of my favorite things to do.

  7. Bikini So Tinny - Is my all time favorite nail polish color. It is very springy too! I absolutely adore it. It’s really been lifting my spirits recently, a total favorite.

  8. FAGE yogurt - Plain, greek, 2% yogurt. Ugh, it is like ice cream…I mean it is similar to ice cream. Less sugar, so not as good but it is still delicious. I have been enjoying my fair share and getting pretty creative with things to add! I also love love Siggis, especially if you like flavored yogurts more than plain

  9. Homemade Vanilla Granola - You. Just. Have. To. Try. It. Okay!

  10. IGNTD Podcast - So this is a podcast made by a couple. They talk about relationships in 1/2 the podcast and the other 1/2 is about addiction. I don’t listen to the addiction podcasts but I can’t get enough of the relationship ones. Sophie Jaffe is probably my favorite instagram influencer. She is so amazing to follow, I love her content and overall outlook on life.

  11. Boho Beautiful Workouts - This YouTube account has some of the best workouts. They are yoga based but definitely leave me sore.


I hope you receive as much joy and fulfillment from these things, activities, and projects as I have. I will continue to add any other favorites I come across. Please reach out with any love or ideas! I am thinking and praying for all of you and your families. I hope you are safe and healthy. I am here for you, even if we do not know each other, if you need someone.

Love Always,


Lacking Connection? Me too.

Lacking Connection? Me too.

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