
Hi, I am Casey!

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If You Have Some Extra Time....

If You Have Some Extra Time....

“I just don’t have time” I remember myself saying that time and time again throughout the last 20 years of my life. Usually, it has been during times of abundant opportunities or when my “To Do” list would be overflowing. As I have gotten older this adulting “To Do” list has grown and grown and I never feel that it is complete. When I check off one box, it seems five other boxes appear. I think this is a common feeling among many, but in times of quarantine and boredom here’s my advice for how to get ahead and improve ourselves so when the time comes where we can hug again and embrace one another with open arms we have done the work and don’t have to let go.

  1. Write letters - Think about the people who have most significantly impacted you or your life. Have you told them? Do they know? Imagine if someone wrote their college supplement about what meeting you has done for them. Or try to picture how you would feel when realized an eleven year old that you babysit for wrote a letter to your top college saying how worthy she believed you were to get accepted. It has been through my experience, that these are the most gratifying and humbling moments. I believe it is one of the greatest disservices to love, appreciate, be impacted, or simply admire someone and not tell them. Imagine how you would feel? Imagine during a time like this how motivating it would be for you, to know that you are someone else’s inspiration and that by simply being yourself you have impacted someone else life. If you have some extra time…write one or many letters to those people, expressing to them how much they mean to you and how grateful you are to have them in your life. I know from experience, it is one of the best and most powerful gifts one can receive. If you read my Love Letter to My Crush, I got so much positive feedback from it, people were simply inspired. That being said, if you choose to write a letter and you would want to share it with me I would love to read it!

  2. Start Something New - I have been toying around with the idea of starting a YouTube channel. There is a part of me that thinks it would be so fun and since I have some extra time during this quarantine maybe I should! What do you think? Should I try it? Regardless, you should try something new. Maybe you wanted to start a blog, learn how to play the piano, practice your baking, become proficient in Icelandic, try a new clothing style, or even understand the art of feng shui…now is your time. If you have some extra time…take the leap, try it, you literally have nothing to lose.

  3. Become a Child Again - What I mean by this is be creative and use your imagination. I remember when my brother and I used to go outside before dinner we would walk into the woods past our backyard and just simply explore. We would look under leafs, pretend we were the kings and queens of the forest, and use our imaginations to lose track of time. With your imagination anything is possible. If you have some extra time…leave reality for a little and create your fairytale, I honesty think we could all use a little bit of that right now.

  4. Read - I have so many books, I have either been given or have bought that I want to read and I have always said I would get around to it. But now, I have the time. There are two things I believe reading helps us develop. One is a better understanding for others and more specifically, empathy. I have been watching Doris Kerns Goodwin’s Master Class and in it she says that by reading the best plays, the best poetry, the best stories, the reader has the ability to embody these characters and in a way experience their lives. By doing this, we can better understand the thoughts and feelings of others and as a result we become more empathetic and compassionate humans. The other thing I think that is great about reading books is in many ways it can be an escape, but a healthy and productive escape. So if you have some extra time…read some of those books you have been pushing off. Maybe you’ll learn something new or at least get to imagine yourself as a Hogwarts student rather than an online zoom student!

  5. Yoga - Did you know that the word yoga quite literally means “to leave one place, space, condition and move towards a better one.” I learned that while reading Barron Baptiste’s book 40 days to a Person Revolution. I am in some ways a fake yogi. I love yoga, I love going to the classes, I love the practice, the energy, the feeling, the stretch. I truly love it. Yet, I do not practice as much as I should. I intend to use this time in quarantine to more fully understand the practice and become someone who not only loves having yoga in her life, but needs yoga in her life. I hope that having this time to fully embrace the practice will help me become the yogi I aspire to be. One who is more centered, more radiant, more satisfied, and above all more loving. If you have some extra time…I would love to grow my practice with a community and if you would be interested in joining me in conversations about yoga or even in practice (over video chat) please reach out to me, I absolutely love hearing from you guys!

  6. Journaling - Today was my first day journaling in a while. I think it is so important as a way to not only process all the thoughts and feelings that we are having during this time, but also as a way of looking back and realizing our growth. When I was younger I was always amazed how every time my grandparents saw my brother they would comment on how much he had grown…but I had never noticed it because I saw him everyday. I think emotional and mental growth are very similar. Journaling serves as a way to see the growth that occurs over time. This is a motivational tool and a resource so if you have some extra time…try writing a little!

  7. Ted Talks - I can honestly say that I have watched a few Ted Talks that have actually changed my life. It is amazing that people can sum up their years of research into ten or twenty minute videos. I am excited to start back up watching a Ted Talk (or a few) a day. My What could you learn in 900 seconds blog post has some of my favorite Ted Talks of all time. If you have some extra time…I promise they are so worth the watch!

  8. Sleep - I feel like everyone in the world could benefit from sleeping a little more. If you have some extra time…use it to cleanse and restore your body!

  9. MasterClass - I have seen so many ads for this MasterClass thing on my instagram for months now and I have been so interested. The one thing that was holding me back was I did not want to pay for something I would not use, and since I was so busy with school and rowing I was waiting for the right time. Well, the right time is now. I just bought my subscription for a year and I have been loving it. I love Netflix don’t get me wrong, but sometimes I would rather watch to learn than watch to pass time. I have already learned so much from these professionals revealing their best advice. Bobbi Brown talking about makeup, Marc Jacobs discussing fashion, Doris Kerns Goodwin speaking about U.S. History and leadership. My mind has been constantly stimulated by these masters and so many more! If you have some extra time… I would definitely check out MasterClass and you have 30 days to try it and if you do not love it there is a 100% money back guarantee!

  10. Social Media Cleanse/ Declutter - One of the things I have been wanting to do for a while is unfollow or mute the social media accounts that I follow that no longer serve me. Recently I have started to follow many inspirational accounts who I genuinely feel so good, inspired and motivated after seeing their posts. I have some of those accounts listed in my Social Media Crushes blog post. It is truly amazing how strong of an influence social media can have on us. During a time like this when people are using these platforms to connect more than ever, I think it is very smart to go through and unfollow any of the people or accounts that do not provide positive energy. Social media is a tool make sure you can use it in a way that serves you! If you have some extra time…go through the accounts you follow or the people you have on snapchat that are no longer people you need in your life.

  11. Use this time - This is a devastating time for all of us. But if we look hard enough we can see so much good. There is always a silver lining. Use this time to better yourself. You can create a healthier mind, body, soul, relationships, and overall life. But you have to choose that path. If you have some extra time…choose to spend it decluttering your mind, nourishing your body, revealing your soul, fostering your relationships, and bettering your life.

I hope this blog post gave you some ideas for how to spend your extra time. I love hearing from you guys so if you read a great book, watch an interesting TedTalk, or write a beautiful letter, I would love nothing more than to hear about it! Please stay in touch with me during this time as well, I have some extra time to create new friendships or strengthen older ones. Stay safe and stay positive!

Love Always,


Quarantine Favorites

Quarantine Favorites

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Finding the Light during times of Darkness