
Hi, I am Casey!

Welcome to my blog. I hope your experience here is magical!

Busy Being A Student

Busy Being A Student

“Your are the laboratory

and every day is an experiment.

Go and find what is new

and unexpected.”

-Joel Elkes

Hello my loves! It has been so long since I have posted a blog post, but I have to tell you..I was busy being a student. As most of you know, I am student at Boston College. Although I was very busy with school this semester, I was also busy being a student in many other ways.

This summer I studied yoga for 200 hours and became a certified yoga instructor. I learned so much about yoga, Sanskrit, Asana, Meditation, and the overall practices originating in India. I think I will do a blog post about my experience with my teacher training in the future. But one aspect of my teacher training that seems most fitting now is the concept of “becoming a teacher”.

So now I can proudly say “I am a teacher”, but I can honestly and humbly say I am still and will always be a student first.

This platform has also allowed me in many ways to be a teacher. To share will all of you my advice, my stories of failure, success, vulnerability, rejection, and of course some amazing recipes! To teach, share, and inspire others to more authentically and positively come into themselves has been one of the most informative and special experiences for me.

So I want to take a moment to thank those of you who have contributed to my own personal learning and growing. Your emails, texts, DMs and even that hand written letter with such kind and affirming words mean the world to me. For those of you who have reached out and suggested blog post ideas about different subjects, I have not forgotten, but in some ways I didn’t feel I was at the point of experience or expertise to “teach” or share on those topics. However, now your curiosity and faith to look to me for guidance has given me the courage to try and do many of those things that were suggested. And now I really feel like I am in a place to share what I have learned regarding many of those topics. But growing is a process, learning requires studying, and becoming a teacher is made possible by first being a student. As I said before, I am still a student, and I am still on this continued journey of growth so if you have any suggestions on topics I can grow my understanding in as well as what you most would want me to write about on my future blog posts and you can connect with me here or DM me!

I am so excited to share all that I have learned and the totality of ways I have grown in the last year. They haven’t all been easy but they have been instrumental and vital for my understanding of the world, myself, and my relationships. Whether you are now looking for ways to be a teacher and share your experiences, strengths, and expertise with others or starting to muster up the courage to challenge yourself to grow in a new way, I am running this race with you!

I’ll end this post the same way I now conclude my yoga classes.

“The light and the student in me, honors and thanks the light and the student in you!”

I can’t wait for you to read what I am working on!

Love Always,


Falling in Love.

Falling in Love.

BEEing in Love

BEEing in Love