
Hi, I am Casey!

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November Intentions

November Intentions

Wow, crazy it is already almost November!! I have been at BC for two months now. A lot has happened. College is actually going by so so fast. I have been thinking a lot about what I want out of these next four years. Actually, I have some big news…. I think I am going to switch my major to communications maybe with a journalism minor because I really love this blog and feel that I can do something great with writing in the future!! Also, I just want to thank all of the people, some who I don't even personally know, for reaching out regarding my blog. I love writing and hearing that others love reading what I am writing makes me so incredibly happy!! I am almost at 10,000 reads and my website has been accessed in over 17 countries! That is actually so amazing and crazy, especially since I have only had this up since June 20th 2019! Anyway, I am so grateful to everyone who reads, thank you for following me on this journey and being so supportive. I love you people!

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Here are my intentions for November, what I hope to accomplish, the attitudes I intend to maintain, the ways I hope to grow, and how I plan to challenge myself:

  1. Find more depth in my Friday and Saturday nights - I love going out, being with my friends, dancing, and having a good time. However, over the last two months I feel like the going out scene has been very surfaced level. I rarely end the night having a deep conversation with someone or feeling like I branched out and met new people. I am not saying that my surfaced level nights were bad because they definitely were not. But my intention for November is to find small ways to add more meaning and depth into my Friday and Saturday nights. I want to come home and feel that I gained something from going out. That I made someone laugh, met a new friend, or that I challenged myself in some way.

  2. Put myself out there more with boys and try to understand them better - I think that is one of the the areas that is most daunting for me. Romantically yes, but also just expanding my male friend circle and being more open to guy friends joining. Coming from an all girls school I think I have a lot of experience being friends with girls, talking with girls, empowering girls, and relating to the struggles of girls. However, since being at school with boys I have realized that I lack in understanding the struggles boys go through. When you are close with boys I think you gain an greater understanding of what it is like to be them. It has been very eye opening to me how much I didn't understand and quite honestly still don't. There is an enormous pressure to act a certain way, not show emotions as much, be super strong and muscular, and more things I don't even know yet. This is so sad! A guy may be a guy but he is also a human. He has emotions and his degree of strength should not be measured by how much he can bench press!!I can’t even imagine having that type of societal pressure and then having an added social expectation that you shouldn't talk about how those societal pressures make you feel.

  3. Be okay asking for help and accepting other peoples offers to help - I am someone who generally does it all by myself. I love that I am extremely independent and strong. For most aspects of my life I have been able to do it all without help. But just because I can do it or handle it without the help of others doesn't mean I need to do everything without help. I anticipate November being a challenging month for me because my grandfather, my best friend, is not doing so well. He is in hospice care right now and is nearing the end. I never want to be a burden to others. I always feel bad asking people to help me or even just hold me. But I know during my time of grief, that is what I am going to crave and need. I really want to be able to ask and accept peoples generous and kind offers to help me.

  4. STRECH - I am literally so tight. Always. I love and hate stretching. It hurts so badly but everything feels so much better after I am done. I really want to dedicate some time and effort to really stretching my tight muscles. I think loosening everything could improve all aspects of my life!!

  5. Hit the mat - Yoga was a huge part of my life prior to college. Now I feel like I lack time to get on the mat and really reflect. I have practice for like 3 hours everyday and finding enough time and physical strength to work out for another hour has been a huge challenge for me thus far. In the month of November I really want to try to be on my mat at least once a week. I think that would help my mind, my muscles, and most importantly, my heart.

  6. Smile at everyone - There is a thing called the “BC look away”. It is when you walk past someone you kind of know and could say hi but rather you just look up at the trees or pretend like you are on your phone. It is kind of awkward because I am someone who always wants to talk to people or at least acknowledge them when I walk past. I find myself going to say hi or look at someone and then they do the BC look away so then I feel awkward looking at them if they are looking at a tree and then we don’t say hi and its just this weird feeling. It is going to be a little uncomfortable and maybe a tad awkward but I am really going to try and say hi to everyone possible that I can in November. Maybe I will meet a new friend that way, or maybe it will be super awkward and then I can write about it haha!

  7. Dress up more - It was so nice having a uniform in high school. I say that because I didn’t have to think. I literally just woke up, brushed my hair and teeth, and threw on my uniform. However, I have so many cute clothes that I never got to wear to school. BC is so nice because people wear a range of things to class. I generally dress athletically, I think that’s because I have so much athletic clothing, it is comfortable, and you can make it cute. However, in the month of November, I really want to show off my adorable outfits more. Plus, don't you just have a better day when you feel cute? There are only so many ways we can really reveal our personalities to strangers. We have an ability to express ourselves, I want to display that side of myself more.

  8. Eat more nutritiously - College food is very different from home food. There is no fresh sour dough, blueberries from the farmers market, freshly caught fish, and omg I miss cheese so so much. But one of the best things about home food is you have the opportunity to know what is in it and where it comes from. At school, I don’t know what is GMO, what is hormone free, or what food is Organic. The chicken is just there. In November I want to meet with one of the nutritionists on campus and utilize this club called REAL FOOD Boston College. I want to be more aware of where the food I am consuming comes from.

  9. Really prioritize Diabetes - For those of you who don't know, I have type one diabetes and I really want to get my A1C down and have the best possible numbers that I can. I think that it is possible to do these things but it requires me to dedicate more time and effort into managing my diabetes!!

  10. SLEEP MORE - I feel like we all need this as one in our November intentions. I am better when I sleep more, so I want to sleep more so I can be better. Simple.

  11. Be thankful everyday - November is the month of giving thanks yeah??

  12. Improve my website and blog - I want to add a email list, have subscribers, maybe create some sort of lunch with me component to the website where I could get to know my readers better. If you guys have ideas on this, ways I could make it more interactive, asteically pleasing, easier to navigate, or quite literally any other advice or suggestions please please please connect with me!

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Love Always,


Paying it Forward

Paying it Forward

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