Reasons to Wag
Wag more bark less! It’s simple.
Isn’t it so wonderful how happy our dogs get when they see us? Walking in the door and having your dogs cute little butt shaking ferociously back and forth as their tail signals how excited and happy they are to see their best friend! Ugh! It is the best feeling ever!! It is kind of weird to think about how simply and easy a dogs life genuinely is, yet how happy they can truly be. If you think about it, they eat, sleep, go to the bathroom, cuddle, and occasionally bark. They eat the same food everyday, they only drink water, they get treats but they are wicked small…they live bland and much simpler lives than us. Yet they get so so happy over the smallest of things.
Don’t you wish we did that too? We have so much. We have the ability to feel so many more emotions, the opportunity to eat so many different variations of food, we can learn more, understand more, see more, do more, essentially our whole life is more…yet when is the last time you shimmied your butt back and forth in pure excitement? It took a lot more than your parents coming through the door right? With our wonderful ability to have so much more, why do we raise the bar on what can excite us?
How would our dogs spend their time if they could be us for a year? Well since they would have had the perspective of what it would be like to be so limited as a dog, they would fully take advantage off all that we have. Imagine how they would dress? What they would eat? What books they would read? They definitely would want to try driving the car….
This is the image caption.
I think what this abstract idea boils down to is simplicity. When we have too much going on, we are unable to be in the moment and really acknowledge and appreciate all that is in front of us. We spend our moments thinking about how to prepare for our next moments and the next things we are aspiring to achieve.
So although we will never truly know what it is like to be a dog. I think trying to incorporate their perspectives into our lives, can only help us enrich the limited time we have here on this earth.
So wag your tails today! Tell someone how much you’ve missed them or how much they mean to you. You don’t need to lick their face or do a trick, you can use what dogs can’t… words!! Take a moment or two and notice what is around you. Simplify your hectic lives. We are the only specie that I know of that has such an elaborate vocabulary. We need to take advantage of this. Imagine all the good our dogs would say if they only knew how? We have the power and the voices and we cannot let them go to waste. Do something kind, say something extraordinary, and give those around you yet another reason to wag their tails!
Love Always,