Eating Fresh
Sugar actually isn’t that sweet…
I have been listening to this podcast recently called the Food Revolution Network and it has been so eye opening for me. If you know me, you probably know I have an such a sweet tooth. Obviously I know it not good for me but I do still love it. However, even though my taste buds go wild for sugar, my brain has started to not like it so much…
Let me explain, I started listening to this Podcast a couple of week ago after a mother of one of my good friends recommended it. And wow, is my response for all that I have learned! There are multiple sections and some discuss the best foods for you and others discuss the worst. But in general there is just vital information about the food that we eat and have in our super markets. I personally think that generally people spend their time thinking about food in the wrong ways. As a Type One Diabetic I count carbs to survive. It is something that I just have to do. However, if you don’t have Type One Diabetes or a legitimate reason to count carbs or anything else or that matter, than don’t waste your time. I would give anything to have pancreas that automatically produced the insulin that I needed. I wish I didn’t have to measure, weight, and count my food. I wish that I could rely on my body to do all that, and if you can rely on yours than you should. Pay attention to how you feel as appose to how many calories you are eating. I think we often loose sight of truly how amazing our bodies are. They tell us almost everything we need to know, we just have to check in with ourselves and listen! Our bodies are so incredibly amazing and deserve recognition and appreciation for all the wonderful things thank do for us!
Anyway, after listening to many of these podcast episodes, I realize that we cannot rely on the food industry in that same way. That is where we need to spend our time; educating ourselves and becoming aware of the issues that exist within the food industry. Did you know that many of the highly processed foods that we eat and drink in the United States have completely different ingredients in other countries? And you want to know why? Because other countries ban the ingredients that the U.S. allows, because they contain horrible carcinogens. Some countries even ban the sale of these foods entirely because of the health problems they create.
“An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure” - Benjamin Franklin
I believe everything can be eaten in moderation. Don’t deprive yourself or limit the experiences your taste buds could have. Honestly, don’t even take my advice on what to eat and what not to eat, I for one still have my FAIR share of unhealthy food, but I am working on it! Regardless, I do hope you do take the time to know and understand what you are eating, how it is made, and how it helps or hurts your body. I still love sugar, but now I am more aware of what the donuts I eat and ice cream I lick do to me.
I also should mention that The Food Revolution Network is not the only place where you can hear these important things. The goop Podcast and The IGNTD Podcast are great places to start and they are free! There are even some TED Talks that discuss some of the issues, like Power Foods for the Brain and Why we can't stop eating unhealthy foods. However, I think that the Food Revolution Network Podcast really goes in depth and you hear from experts in so many different areas. If you can and our willing, I definitely think it is worth the investment!
To those of you who read my blog and who would be impacted in a positive way by this information, I hope it helps you become full of knowledge so you are equipped and competent enough to make your own decisions about the food you put into your body! Best of luck on your journey & thanks for being apart of mine!
Love Always,